Factions of Skyrim

While traversing Skyrim, players' will come across many faction, or groups of people with a common goal or interest. The Dragonborn may choose to join these factions if they so wish. In Skyrim there are a total of 15 factions that Dragonborn my join, most of which can by joined at the same time.

Some of the Most Popular Factions in Skyrim

Stormcloaks Faction

A group of rebellion soldiers who are the direct enemies of the Empire lead by their leader, Ulfric Stormcloak. They strive to drive the Empire out and the Imperials out of Skyrim and to govern themselves after the Empire banned the worship of their god, Talos.

Imperial Legion Faction

Soldiers of the Empire, their sole mission is to quell the rebellion and drive the Stormcloaks out of Skyrim. Lead by General Tullius they aim to restore order to Skyrim under the name of the Empire.

Thieves Guild Faction

A once prosperous organization of thieves who profitted off of their stolen goods have now run into their own streak of bad luck. No longer are their pockets overflowing with wealth and power. Become a thief under their banner and uncover the secret behind their misfortune and also go down as the greatest thief who lived.